Tuesday, August 04, 2009

That Month went Fast!

On July 24, Quincy and I left for Edisto Island, SC. That's it in the picture above.

The week before we left was a flurry of preparation--shopping, packing, running around like crazy getting stuff done. We got all packed and left on time though. I got poked and smacked and, sometimes, punched on the way down there.

It was vacation, but I spent lots of time on the phone with my husband checking to make sure my garden got watered and the dog got walked. I was worried!

I have lots of pictures to bore y'all with. Quincy at the beach. Quincy in the pool. Fort Sumter. An alligator at the Charleston Aquarium. Yay! Stuff to look forward to.

In the meantime, I rode in the middle of the backseat of my parents' truck all the way back. The drive took 12 hours and my right shoulder/neck may never be the same. As soon as I don't hurt anymore, there'll be a long Edisto post. Also, a garden post.

Oh, and I am now on the job list for interviews for one job with the State of Tennessee and going to test to get on the eligible list for another soon. So all is well on the job front!

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